Tourist information center Of Nový Jičín

Column with a statue of the Virgin Mary and a fountain (plague column)

Column with a statue of the Virgin Mary and a fountain (plague column)

Address: Mas arykovo náměstí, 741 01 Nový Jičín

Cultural Monument Register No. ÚSKP 13051/8-3331

The Baroque column consists of a stone pedestal with four figures of saints - Jan Nepomucký, Roch, Florian and Jan Sarkander. They are dominated by a statue of the Virgin Mary on a sandstone column topped with a Corinthian head. An interesting feature is the sleeping statue of St. Rosalie, a Palermo hermit who dreams her endless dream in the cave. Close to the Pillar of the Plague is the 1929 statue of the Dancing Peasants by Franz Barwig, one of the town's inseparable symbols.

In the 17th century, when the plague struck Nový Jičín, the bodies of the dead were traditionally brought to this place. The victims numbered in the hundreds, so the Stirzniks decided to erect a "plague column" here to protect Nový Jičín and its inhabitants from further disasters. They had an inscription carved into the plague pillar, which in Czech translation reads. During the plague epidemic, people tried various elixirs to get rid of this cruel "black death". The most important remedy was brandy. People liked it so much that it was declared the "devil's drink" and its distribution was even banned. It is said that whoever showed even a sign of illness was banished to the established infirmaries, located on the site of the former cemetery, now in Janáček Gardens. 

Quick links:

Contact information:
(+420) 556 711 888
(+420) 556 768 288
(+420) 735 704 070

Masarykovo nám, 45/29
Nový Jičín 741 01
Česká republika

N 49° 35' 39.184''
E 18° 0' 29.756''

Opening hours:
Po–Pá: 8:00 – 17:00
So, Ne: 9:00 – 16:00
Svátky: 9:00 – 16:00

This project was co-financed by provision of 20,000 CZK from the budget of the Moravian-Silesian Region, support of TIC in the Moravian-Silesian Region for 2013.

