Tourist information center Of Nový Jičín

How to find us?

How to find us?

You´ll find us in Laudon´s House on Masaryk square

You can find a bus or a train connection below, or you can use one of the parking lots around the town centre. The Parking disc that will allow you to park at certain lots in the town can also be bought in the TIC.


OSTRAVA – NOVÝ JIČÍN: R48 exit Nový Jičín center, turn left on the crossroads and continue straight.
OLOMOUC – NOVÝ JIČÍN: D1 exit 311 (Český Těšín, Frýdek-Místek) on R48 exit Nový Jičín center, turn left on the crossroads and continue straight.
OPAVA – NOVÝ JIČÍN: 1st class road 57 through Kunín, Šenov u Nového Jičína, stay on the main road and continue straight.
VALAŠSKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ – NOVÝ JIČÍN: 1st class road 57 through Hodslavice, Bludovice, enter Nového Jičína and continue straight.

main parking lot Na Valech (next to the marketplace) 
other parking lots around the town 

Bus and train connection

You can find out how to reach our Visitor’s Centre by bus or train using the IDOS timetables.

Information for tour bus drivers

Passengers can get off at the bus stop on Tyršova Street below the Nový Jičín Municipal Bureau. The tour bus can be parked at U stadionu 2180/1, GPS coordinates: 49.5903986N, 18.0012700E.

Quick links:

Contact information:
(+420) 556 711 888
(+420) 556 768 288
(+420) 735 704 070

Masarykovo nám, 45/29
Nový Jičín 741 01
Česká republika

N 49° 35' 39.184''
E 18° 0' 29.756''

Opening hours:
Po–Pá: 8:00 – 17:00
So, Ne: 9:00 – 16:00
Svátky: 9:00 – 16:00

This project was co-financed by provision of 20,000 CZK from the budget of the Moravian-Silesian Region, support of TIC in the Moravian-Silesian Region for 2013.

